
This is just a short excerpt for the about page.

This is me. JP Robichaud. Writer, blogger, beer connoisseur, and vinyl snob in training. And this is my life in music lists.

This isn’t my first kick at the blog can. Some of you might remember me from Music Insanity!, an endeavour I commenced in 2011 in an effort to get me writing again. It ran for just over five years and seven hundred posts and received almost 40,000 visitors. I finally shut that door in the summer of 2016 because I was beginning to feel it as a weight upon me more than an outlet. I decided I needed more focus and less pressure to post every day. I wanted to enjoy blogging again.

One of the things I found myself doing a lot of on Music Insanity! was creating lists of my favourite music, and then, writing as much about how that music impacted my life or how certain memories were tied to certain songs or albums, almost as much as I did the music itself. And so, armed with a title half-inspired by a Los Campesinos! song, this is the focus this blog: lists of the music that has been and continues to be the soundtrack to my life. Lists of the concerts I’ve seen, my growing vinyl collection, and of course, my favourite tunes and albums.

Turn up the volume and enjoy.


The purpose of this blog is to encourage and spread the news about good music. All images, lyrics and music belong to their rightful owners. If you find something here that you enjoy, please support the artists and purchase their records or MP3s or even better, head on out to a live performance. If you happen to own any of the material posted on this site and would like it to be removed, please contact me and I will happily oblige.

Contact me:

Email: jprobichaud911@gmail.com

Twitter: @jprobichaud911

Instagram: @jprobichaud911