
Best tunes of 2013: #21 Crocodiles “She splits me up”

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I’ve already told the story on these pages about how my friend Tim and I drove to Cambridge from Toronto one day over the Christmas break back in 2011. We headed there to meet up with one of Tim’s university friends Greg and his wife Wendy, and check out their books and records store, Millpond. We stayed for dinner before returning to Toronto in a snow storm but not before sharing laughs and memories and trading a few musical picks.

Greg’s contribution was Crocodiles, seconded by Wendy, and based on their raves and descriptions, I definitely took note to check them out when I returned home. Perhaps coincidentally, my own suggestion was Dum Dum Girls, whose sophomore record “Only in dreams” was hot on my repeat listen list and had placed on my favourite albums list that year. What’s funny is that Greg and Wendy hadn’t heard of Dum Dum Girls and I hadn’t heard of Crocodiles but at the time, the front persons and driving forces of each band, Brandon Welchez and Dee Dee Penny*, were married and had regularly contributed to each other’s musical projects.

I later learned that Crocodiles were formed in 2008** by Welchez and Charles Rowell in San Diego, California, after their previous, mostly punk-driven bands had broken up. Their psychedelic and retro noise pop sound was established right from the beginning and got them drawing buzz. I recognized and fell for it when I first listened to their sophomore album, “Sleep forever”, quickly making the connection with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and The Jesus and Mary Chain, and of course, with Dum Dum Girls. I’ve continued to follow the group through the multiple lineup changes but the sound hasn’t veered too far off course, nor has the songwriting quality diminished, right up to last year’s excellent “Upside down in heaven”, the group’s 8th full length album.

In 2013, though, they released their 4th album, the Sune Rose Wagner (The Raveonettes) produced “Crimes of passion”. The neon colours of its album foreshadowed the technicolour sounds and garish and glam tinged ethos. Ten searing and cool tracks for turning up and rocking out alongside, my favourite of which was track six, “She splits me up”. With guitars that wail at the high end, dance harpsichord-like arpeggios, and gnarl and snarl at the robust bass line. Meanwhile, Welchez bemoans and lauds a member of the opposite sex and the hold she has on him.

“She dazzles on the streets beneath me but her love is never real. And the world outside is fading fast, and she’s so detached. She splits me up”


*Funnily enough, this is the first post to focus on Crocodiles but Welchez has been mentioned a couple of times already in posts about Dum Dum Girls.

**Same year as Dum Dum Girls.

For the rest of the Best tunes of 2013 list, click here.

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